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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Love, Fear, Reward

"Takutlah kamu akan neraka-Nya, akan bala-Nya, tp, jgnlah kamu takut akan Tuhan mu, tp sayangilah Dia, spt mana Dia menyayangi kamu"

"Afraid of his damnation, of his wrath, but not be afraid of Him, instead, love Him as He has loved you."

Which means that the phrase, "Jangan takut kpd apa2 shj kecuali Tuhan." (not be afraid of anything except God) is incorrect.

The right phrase should be, "Janganlah takut kpd kuasa lain selain kuasa Tuhan."
("Be afraid not of other power accept the ones of His Almighty")

i think, being afraid is normal. u're afraid of dark, afraid of walking alone in a lonely alleyway, etc. Those feelings are normal. infact, it could be usefull, for God would not give us that feeling for no reason.

So, we can be afraid, other than of God, im afraid of a lot of things. that doesnt make me an unbeliever, tht just makes me normal. those who says he's not afraid of anything except God, i dare say is a hypocrite.

Why i say, be afraid of God's damnation but not God, is for the simple reason, which is,
how can we love something/someone which/whom we're afraid of?

there are three ways to make us do something, through love, fear or rewarding.

u choose the path.

When u 've done a good deed, are u expecting a prize from God(pahala)?

why are we molding ourselves as somebody who always expect something in return even if it is for a good cause?

do things,
be a good person,
be good to other ppl,
just for the sake of love to your God.

Thts all,
nothing more and nothing less.

purify our heart with willingness.

Fear will put us in a cage,
makes us harder to think by ourselves
always having bad thought will darken our heart

Gosh, this world will turn in a much beautiful way if love is always the reason.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

what to do with idiotism?

why have i not posted anything for a long time...
and the last entry was just a general view.

yet, so many has occured.
so many.
the thing is,
i dont know where to start,
which one i should talk about.
sometimes, i just shut my brain,
and i end up with nothing to say.

anywho, these r the summarize of things i could think of right now;

u know how much ppl can be stupid?
a lot.
so much.
ppl r just so damn stupid.
its really hard living in a foreign country,
even more when they speak a language u're not so mastered of.
physically difference and language barrier,
to have a great social life,
is a unique challenge.
and sometimes u just want to quit,
but it's everyday.
u need to have the spirit every single day.
no chance for a day off and go back to a lovely place where u dunt have to go through all this shit.
and to make things worst,
im the only msian for the 3rd year here.


im in a new place now.
i've entered école.
its a hard place to get into actually.
from a group of eleven, only three got a place in an école.
i entered this one as the other two went to another école.
they had higher marks then i did, so they entered a harder école.
i was lucky enough to get my ass in an 'école'.
it doesnt matter high or low,
its an "école".

although ppl outside european countries r normally not aware of the french system,
it is a great opportunity for me to be here,
which makes my life story even better.
i carry my school name,
the normal daily school in a small town in penang,
manage to get his student in an engineering école.

i like to think of myself as a person with responsibility on his shoulder (which is true for everyone...),
that's how i get this body up everyday, going through all the crap of the day,
and hoping for a better one tomorrow.
i dont have a motivater next to me,
so, this kind of thoughts can blow up some wind of spirit to this feather-like body.

i stop here,
need to sleep and face tomorrow.