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Friday, December 26, 2008

14th most viewed ^_^

Thanks to Noni, or Nani, my channel has just been honored as the 14th most viewed director (today) and 87th most viewed director this week in France.
This is the furthest i've gone. last time i just got 27th for today and nothing more.
Oh well, thanks to the french folks who dont post much on youtube..

the 87th has just turned to 66th.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

video bengkel enim

last day in Enim before holiday, everybody's already left so i took the chance and start a bit of filming.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Warm up first kids...

I went downstairs into the gym (at 11.45pm) and start beating and kicking the punch bag, without the usual warming up.
Maybe i thought i dun need to, i got bored of having to warm up each time.
but then, the pain in my leg started again.
i think i made it really mad this time.
i didnt stop even though i can feel the pain getting heavier to bear.
i know i will regret this, especially tmrw morning when the big guy from the pain hierarchy get on his ass and start making chaos with my neurons.

i just want to kick that punching thing, kick, and kick it, thinking this leg problem is nothing.
i can feel my leg right now, cramming up, lamenting over those 'kicking'.

guess i have gotten too old to do sport without warming up...

oh well, learn from mistake right ;)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

seeing the end

Everything that has a beginning, has an enD

Hope is what keeps us running,
and keeps us sane.

Believe in a better future.

Friday, December 12, 2008

To what can I devote my life?

ok, here's the plan. tenteretenten...
i study for another 3years, do some internship in an international company,
do one year job here (usually with the company i hook up with for my internship), then go back to find a good job with my master and experience. That will secure a good pay job.
the town? i dun know yet, whether KL or Png. i dont want any other place as i take environment as an important value.
well, thts the furthest point of Adely's big plan.

What about my dream?
well, there is no dream.
im just following the normal 'trying to make a living' system.

ok, maybe i can go as far as what field i want to be involved in.
right now im interested in energy.
So, maybe i'll work in a company thats searching for an alternative energy like Shell or something.
i prefer not Petronas.
Designing a new system that consume different type of intake and yet can produce the same mechanical power. Yeah, that would be the field im interested in.
So, on my fifth year, i think i'll be taking the energy and environmental option.

I know i like studying a system.
during my last internship, studying about transforming explosion to electrical energy is fascinating enough.
I just like the surface facts though, the understanding structure, not the truly in detail stuff, like a very, very detail stuff.
I hate looking at an enormous abandoned data.
It'll look like a bunch of math problems rumble in one section for one and only purpose- to kill and destroy your brain cells.

i have to think about this stuff, coz i think its about time i have to think what im going to do in my life. (And this time im serious)
i cant just follow the normal 'trying to make a living' system coz if i do, then all of my effort will serve for nothing. Like a lot of Nutella been put on your bread but in the end the bread fell into the garbage bin.
My mechanical lecturer, M. Fabien, once told me, the reason he went to école and study hard is so that there would be more doors open once he graduated. Its not about the money, but it is so that u can have more choices on what you want to do in life.

So, im 22 now, a 3rd-year student, and i dont have a clear view on which path im going to take.

its not the question what i like to do, but its whether i could spend 10 or more years doing it.
Money will come along.
Funny enough, after 3 years in the field of mechanical engineering, i dont find any subject that truly captures me. Wait, thats not funny at all, its kind of sad..
Sure i like calculating mechanical system, but, i dont see how tht'll be useful in my life. And i dont want to hear that i'ld see the use of it later, coz everybody's keep saying that so its obviously not the right answer. If it is, then everybody would be 'Winners'.

Something tht i find joy in, even after 10 years of doing it.
i have to find it before i graduates, to keep me from being suck-in their 'trying to make a living' system. because if that happens, then it'ld be too late. i wont longer find the need to pursue my dream and would just want to make a living...
i wont throw away my bread full of Nutella, i'll keep pushing myself so that i'll find joy in my future.

The key is to relax, and try to minimize the scope.
i know that it'ld be in one of physics's branch.

*to be continued*

Friday, December 5, 2008

Go Clinton!

World today more interdependent than ever, says Clinton

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 5, 2008): Former United States President Bill Clinton said the world today is more interdependent than ever and because of that, the definition of success must be changed.

Interdependence, he said, is an interesting idea and may be good or bad, or both.

“It simply means that divorce is not an option. We cannot get away from each other whether we like it or not,” he said, adding it has certain consequences, both positive and negative.

Speaking to a packed hall in the inaugural BC Sekhar memorial lecture here this evening, Clinton said among the negative aspects of global interdependence are the terrorist attacks and financial crisis.

Clinton said the world cannot play a zero-sum game and success must no “longer be measured in terms of being winners or losers”.

“Most of us were raised to believe we become successful by doing better than someone else - we run faster, we jump higher, we win contest or we know more. To see ourselves as winners, we must have someone to identify as a loser.

“But an interdependent world, we must change the definition of success. We must define success not in win-lose term but in win-win term. We must build a world in which we share the opportunities and responsibilities,” he said.

While acknowledging that it easier said than done, Clinton said an interdependent world requires people to embrace anyone whom they shared common values with.

The 42nd US president who came to Malaysia for the first time said he paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi earlier in the day and visited the KL Bird Park.

Clinton said he has visited some 100 countries in his life and was anxious to come to Malaysia as the country represents the hopes of the people as it has people of various ethnic and religion.

In the 40-minute talk titled “Embracing our Common Humanity”, he touched on various issues ranging from climate change, health matters, global interdependence and empowering people to take control of their lives.

He said sharing meant that conflicts would arise but conflict is good whereby disagreements or discussions only promote thinking.

“I know there are political conflicts here. That is a good thing. You cannot be right all the time,” Clinton said in reference to the current political situation in Malaysia.

"If you are thinking, then there will be disagreements. Hillary and I have disagreements all the time but this is healthy," he said, referring to his wife, who will become US Secretary of State in January.

He also said his wife has a personal assistant who is half Saudi and half Pakistani, a devoted Muslim, but her best friend is a Jewish and they constantly exchange views with each other.

In the US, he added, it is projected that by 2050, there will be no single ethnic majority.

He was later presented with the BC Sekhar Medal for Transformational Leadership by the late Tan Sri BC Sekhar’s widow Puan Sri Sukumari and his son Datuk Vinod Sekhar, president and group chief executive of The Petra Group and chairman of Sekhar Foundation.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Je pense donc je suis.

It took me two years to understand what my first french lect meant. hey, better late than never <-- also taken from one of my french lect.

The point is;
Im an engineer. Damn it, start acting like one!

Listen to your consciouS

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In 5 years

just now, when i was on a bus on my way home, i asked myself, where will i be in 5years time?

Well, its quite simple (not building a space shuttle to Mars like i had when i was 13),
i see myself in Malaysia, working as a white-collar and the job is enjoyable,
found myself a girlfriend, who loves and cares bout me.

And... and i stop there.
nothing more.

i dont know what happen to all of my big dreams, but, at this moment, i cant be more grateful than to have just those.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

30 Nov

I was blind to the love that has always been with me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

speech by Raja Nazrin Shah

Full text of speech by Raja Muda of Perak Raja Nazrin Shah at the Diversity Matters Forum on Diasporas in the Commonwealth at Monash University, Sunway Campus on Nov 19, 2008.

The serious study of diversity and multiculturalism is precisely what the world needs at this critical juncture. I do not believe that we will ever approach the goal of human security until we are able to come to terms with our feelings of hatred, fear and apathy of our differences. If we were to spend but a tiny fraction of the resources poured into waging wars to promoting and appreciating how our differences work in our favour, rather than against it, the world would be an infinitely safer and more prosperous place.
Diversity is not only to be cherished; it is essential. I know this as an educationist for the store of knowledge does not increase until and unless there are differences in thinking. It is when there is stultifying uniformity that stagnation occurs. I know this as a Muslim for Islam recognises other religions. Islam itself is built on a history of myriad traditions. I know this as a Malaysian for what has built this country and made it strong are the contributions of its different communities. Malaysians of different races and religions have come together to put their shoulders to the collective plough despite their differences, something that many countries have not been so fortunate enough to share.
Large-scale migration of people, or in the language of this conference, diasporas, has been a constant feature in human history. As Ramesh Thakur, former Vice-Rector of the United Nations University and a noted scholar on human security, has written:
If human beings were not genetically programmed to travel vast distances, we would still be living in Africa. Whether our restlessness is rooted in curiosity about lands on the other side of the land or ocean, whether we seek to escape destitution and persecution “at home” or even whether we simply go astray, large-scale movements of peoples have been intrinsic to human nature and are an integral part of the human story.

From a purely economic perspective, theory would seem to support the presumption that international migration expands global output and increases global welfare. Moving labour from low productivity to high productivity countries improves allocative efficiency in the world economy. The persistence of large differences in average income between countries is prima facie evidence that allowing greater international labour mobility would raise world welfare. Thus, allowing labour to move across borders more freely would be a simple way to help narrow global income gaps.
But this, of course, is not the whole story. In receiving countries, public debate about immigration drives national politics, with recent electoral campaigns in Australia and the US each devoting substantial attention to the topic. Immigrants are often blamed for disrupting civil society, draining public coffers and lowering wages. At the same time, skilled immigrants receive credit for spurring innovation and the growth of technology sectors. To the extent that immigrants pay taxes and have the right to benefit from public services, they change the net tax burden on native residents. Once they become citizens, immigrants generally obtain the right to vote, altering domestic politics.
There are also sizeable effects on the sending country. Whilst emigration has brought a welcome financial windfall in the form of remittances, it has also drained poor economies of their most educated workers.
Among OECD countries, those with the largest immigrant presence in 2005 include Australia (24%), New Zealand (19%), Canada (19%) and the UK (10%). Australia, New Zealand and Canada are unique among receiving countries in using a point system (rather than quotas) for admission, in which individuals with higher levels of skill are favoured for entry. European countries take into account an individual’s refugee or asylee status in making immigrant admission decisions.
Among Commonwealth countries, India is the largest example of a diaspora-enriched, as well as enriching, country. There are estimated to be some 23 million non-resident Indians and persons of Indian origin. They represent significant minorities of the population of the United Kingdom, the United States, the Gulf States and countries on the African continent. Their combined wealth is estimated to be over US$1 trillion dollars in 2007, a figure roughly equivalent to India’s GDP. The World Bank has estimated that remittances by overseas Indians in 2006 were in the order of US$27 billion dollars, a little more than 10 percent of total global remittances in that year.
Significant as these numbers are, they still do not describe the full contribution. Successful migrants often return to their homeland and create new businesses, thereby acting as growth catalysts. Overseas Indians have been a vital conduit for multinational companies seeking to do business in the country. The Indian government has astutely sought to tap the Indian diaspora network by offering tax and other benefits. The latter are therefore being engaged and integrated into the country’s economic growth and development strategies.
For the receiving countries, the economic gains can be enormous. They gain a willing and energetic workforce, a thriving pool of taxpayers, and a growing domestic market for goods and services. Migrants often also take an active part in the social life and governance of their adopted countries. Many emerge as top government officials, brilliant academics and business personalities. Malaysia is a prime example of how a diaspora of Chinese, Indians and other races have led to the creation of a more heterogeneous and prosperous state. Today, all are integral to the Malaysian landscape; all belong. At the same time, Malaysians from all walks of life can be found all over the world and many have distinguished themselves in various fields.
I mention all these things with the full knowledge that there is already a long and rich discourse on these issues. I understand that among the important issues that will be discussed at this forum are how to ensure that the many diasporas are included, engaged and integrated in their adopted countries. In the remaining time available, allow me to share with you three perspectives on this issue.
First, diasporas can only be consistent with pluralistic societies. A pluralistic society is one that not only tolerates but appreciates and encourages the active participation of those of different races, cultures and lifestyles. Fundamental to the creation of truly pluralistic societies are two fundamental principles, that of equality and fairness. Of course, to ensure that these two principles are more than just nice thoughts and are vigorously enforced, the rule of law is required. And for the rule of law to be operational, there must be the most meticulous observation of the doctrine of separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary. In the UK in 1981, the Scarman report pointed out how minorities often had difficulty in getting good behaviour from the police and felt that they were discriminated. I have spoken long and often about these matters and do not wish to do so here. I also do not wish to appear to reduce the entire problem of managing diversity to a matter of the law. I do think, however, that it is a most basic building block underpinning pluralism.
Second, the principles of equality and fairness suggest a preferred policy of integration rather than assimilation. Integration accepts and enlists; it does not coerce. It respects and values differences as legitimate. Integration seeks a confederation of peoples and cultures unified by common values and voluntarily cooperating towards the common good.
Assimilation, on the other hand, seeks to change language, customs, religions and even worldviews. Nation-building was once thought to be impossible unless differences were subsumed into the dominant norm. Most of the time this has been achieved through relentless and merciless force. In the name of unity, immigrants have been forced to change their names, banned from using their mother tongue and prevented from holding certain jobs.
The integrationist path to nation building is a difficult one to pursue. In many ways more difficult than attempts at forced assimilation. In all of human history, wars have been waged over attempts to compel dissimilar communities either to fit into a uniform mould or else forcibly exclude them. Sadly, even today, there are those whose primary response to diversity is to pound those who are dissimilar into submission. They often react to diversity by insisting on socio-cultural uniformity rather than adaptability.
Integrationist approaches, it must be admitted, are beset by their own problems. Some countries that practice multiculturalism end up having significant enclaves of isolated and alienated communities. Each community stays in its own little box without contact with other communities. These communities are not bound by common ties or interests with mainstream society. Rather, they regard their adopted country in a purely utilitarian way, as places to eke out a living rather than a cherished homeland.
Which brings me to my third point. Integration is a gradual process consisting of many acts over many generations. By and large, immigrants everywhere have common needs and wants. They want food on the table, money to spend, their children educated and to be able to lead useful lives. They desire good homes, a physically secure environment, good healthcare and protection in their golden years. But many, especially those of subsequent generations, will also yearn for a deep sense of belonging and identity. To be incorporated into the wider community and not to be treated as strangers.
In this regard, the effort of some Commonwealth governments to introduce deliberate diversity policies in their public services is therefore a timely and responsive measure that can have manifold consequences down the line. Diversity needs to be promoted at every level, down to local governments and communities.
The idea behind multiculturalism is that countries with people of different cultural backgrounds should allow them to live a free life without being forced to do things they don’t want to do. What characterizes democratic life is that it is the person who decides ? whether he or she wants to adjust more and be absorbed, or remain aloof. At the same time, the need to forge a community of people with shared values and interests remains paramount. The French riots in 2005 served as a reminder about what can happen if a country allows its immigrant communities to drift in the fringes of society without meaningful integration.
Where do we draw the line between the individual’s right to live the life he or she chooses and the need to forge a cohesive society? The notion that the burden of responsibility rests solely with receiving countries is perhaps misplaced. On the part of immigrant communities, the spirit of respecting ands accepting local traditions, local history and system of government is equally important. A spirit reflected in the Malay saying ? “di mana bumi di pijak – di situ langit di junjung”.
Multicultural societies are fast becoming the rule rather than the exception. Contrary to the rhetoric, however, it is not becoming a source of strength. Mankind is failing - and failing badly – at creating a sense of community. Instead race, culture and religion have become the dominant discourse.
We must avoid falling into a new and destructive form of modern day tribalism. Nothing is inevitable. Cultures can co-operate as much as clash.
We need to reclaim religion from those who would distort its truths. We must reject radicalism and extremism of all types. If there is someone in my society who is hungry, or unemployed or sick and cannot afford treatment, then it diminishes me even if he is of a different race or religion.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

keeping my record

i bought a new hp last Saturday.
its LG KC910 or Renoir.

its my first touch screen hp, thanks to sony ericsson for selling their latest phone at a very unreasonable price. for me...
also, i can keep my 'record' for using variable phone manufacturer.
the record goes as follow:
Siemens - Nokia - Samsung - Sony Ericsson - Lg (latest)

Great proof how open-minded i can be! -juz kiddin...

im so happy with this handphone, eventhough i cant use it yet for calling as i have to wait till this 26th before my operateur change and i can use the new simcard that goes with this handphone, i always spend my time admiring and using its other awesome fonction.

let me tell you about this new, interactive, cool-looking gadget.
the touchscreen fonct is OKAY. maybe iphone is better, i dont know since i have never use iphone for a long range of time, but im getting used with this one and it's comfortable.

secondly, it has 8MP camera!!
i need to change my operateur fast, and there are only two 8mp hp available at the store, sony ericsson, or lg. i have waited long enough and i was not looking forward to the samsungs.. ( i did my research ofcourse..)
Since SE, again with their totally unreasonable price, this one get to be in my pocket.

other than the size of the photos, it also has other cool fonction like face detection, art photo and making your face looks prettier.. Soon i will post in photos of Metz taken with it.

3rd, it can take video up to 640x480!!
now, who's hp can do tht!
my God this camera is awesome.
it also has a slowvideo fonction which makes that 'moment' becomes slower and u can see every bit of the movement. great huh...

did i mention bout its DivX video play capability?
well it has that, and the videos look marvellous.
now i know what to do in a long-trip bus.

i have never been happier with a phone that i bought before this one.

it has wifi, motion-game, bluetooth, widgets that u can put on ur front screen to serve your need, etc.2.

now, im figuring out how to download a new theme as it only come with black or white theme.
i notice how this part is so easy with sony.
maybe i have to wait bit as it's still new..

18 Nov

With anger, you'll always end up with a wrong decisioN

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Calm damn it!

am i expecting too much from myself?

i dont care.

i just know that,
i was supposed to be calmer,
and thoughtful.

i was neither.

i have to always be calm.

Calm is the only way to access the human part of your brain.
And you have to learn to be human!
Man have to learn to be human.

I got that during my trip to Cordoba.

i have to be in control.

am i asking too much?

well, im expecting a better 'me'.

i learn from my mistakes..

im calmer now.

and can think straight.

Friday, October 17, 2008

how true it is...

If a person doesnt have a sense of achievement in their real life, it's easy to loose themselves in a virtual world where they can get a false sense of accomplishment

Sunday, October 12, 2008

George Town as UNESCO’s World Heritage

Melaka and George Town, historic cities of the Straits of Malacca (Malaysia) have developed over 500 years of trading and cultural exchanges between East and West in the Straits of Malacca. The influences of Asia and Europe have endowed the towns with a specific multicultural heritage that is both tangible and intangible. With its government buildings, churches, squares and fortifications, Melaka demonstrates the early stages of this history originating in the 15th-century Malay sultanate and the Portuguese and Dutch periods beginning in the early 16th century. Featuring residential and commercial buildings, George Town represents the British era from the end of the 18th century. The two towns constitute a unique architectural and cultural townscape without parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i would like to add more to my previous entry.
for some would misunderstood it, and maybe think of me as 'a bad guy'.

i dont want to add on the same entry as it would contribute to its length thus making it look more boring than it already is.

first of all,

what i've written, comes from what i see around me.

So to lay out the whole story to you, would means, a very very long entry.

tht's y, that entry, was just a summarize.

infact, it is the same case as for most of my entries,

i thought u would see them positively and understood every word of it,

i hate elaborating, i expect ppl to understand what i write, and if they dont, someday they will.

when i've come to learn something from life experience, sometimes, i put it in my blog
without mentioning how i got it, what happened or anything else. it's much easier.

but... how can u understand the whole thing just by reading the summary right?

through your own life experience i guess.

but my last entry is a particular entry,
as it is about religion.
and this topic is sensitive, (even in my own blog!)
a person already commented it in facebook telling me what he knows of Christianity and how misleed they can be.

i see no connection with what i've wrote and he obviously didnt get what ive written.

i will elaborate on one point here.

which is, "fear, love and reward."

i'll give a simple example;

Your parents went out one night, and told you to stay home. but your friend called and asked you to join him to go to a concert.

Now, you can refuse him, because you're afraid that your parents would find out and scold you, or because u love them, and u dont want to break their heart.

u can choose any of those reason, or both, the result is the same, which is u dont go out that night.

im not saying any reason is better,
its up to u.

u can obey somebody, do his biding,
because u're afraid or love him.

same goes for reward.

u choose what reason u want to do it for.
yes, for me, love is the best, but seriously, it's totally up to u.

i'll give u another example,

this i got from a book, titled lord of light, a good book, it makes u realize how beautiful God is.
Beautiful here does NOT mean physically. (i think i should be more careful on my words now, so tht people wont misunderstood it)

One day, the people of Prophet Musa a.s asked him, "Oh Musa, is there anyone wiser than you?" Musa answered. "I think not for the Lord has sent me to be your prophet in this time and He has given me all the wisdom there is to dispense."

The Lord was displeased with these words and He sent him to His servant whose wisdom is greater.

This servant's name was Khidr, and in the end, it was proven that this person is wiser.

What Khidr did which failed Musa was that he broke a boat which belongs to good people, built a wall without being paid, and killed a boy.

Musa was impatient as to why this person did this things while on their journey together.

Khidr did all this thing, just for the sake of the Lord. He was revealed that the boy would turn out mean and cause great pain to his parents but they would get another child who would be the ancestor of seventy prophets.

the other occasions were also done, solely, for the sake of Allah s.w.t. and have their own greater reason. (im tired to type them all...)

Here we see how a person is doing something that is not for his own sake, and does him no good in this life.

he could ask for money to build the wall, but he didnt.
why is tht? what's wrong with asking some money to get some food? he's doing something beneficial and asking money for a good cause too. (eating...)

It's because it wasn't for his sake that he's building the wall.

is he looking for a reward?
or tht he's afraid tht he would be shot with lightning if he didnt do it?

What God gave him, he accepts it,
but what he's done, was not for these gifts.
God can promise him nothing, but he wouldn't care less.

I hope, things would become clearer now.

u can do your bid, because you are afraid of Him, or wanting his prize, or just for the mere sake of Himself. its up to u.

the are more than one way to get things done.

u can do anything for any reason.
its up to you and im in no position to say that you are wrong.

the way i see it,

God has given a lot to you, why cant u give him a gift once in awhile?

and u know the rules of giving gift, expect nothing in return!

this has got nothing to do with "I-liberal" or a new way for Christians to attack us...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Love, Fear, Reward

"Takutlah kamu akan neraka-Nya, akan bala-Nya, tp, jgnlah kamu takut akan Tuhan mu, tp sayangilah Dia, spt mana Dia menyayangi kamu"

"Afraid of his damnation, of his wrath, but not be afraid of Him, instead, love Him as He has loved you."

Which means that the phrase, "Jangan takut kpd apa2 shj kecuali Tuhan." (not be afraid of anything except God) is incorrect.

The right phrase should be, "Janganlah takut kpd kuasa lain selain kuasa Tuhan."
("Be afraid not of other power accept the ones of His Almighty")

i think, being afraid is normal. u're afraid of dark, afraid of walking alone in a lonely alleyway, etc. Those feelings are normal. infact, it could be usefull, for God would not give us that feeling for no reason.

So, we can be afraid, other than of God, im afraid of a lot of things. that doesnt make me an unbeliever, tht just makes me normal. those who says he's not afraid of anything except God, i dare say is a hypocrite.

Why i say, be afraid of God's damnation but not God, is for the simple reason, which is,
how can we love something/someone which/whom we're afraid of?

there are three ways to make us do something, through love, fear or rewarding.

u choose the path.

When u 've done a good deed, are u expecting a prize from God(pahala)?

why are we molding ourselves as somebody who always expect something in return even if it is for a good cause?

do things,
be a good person,
be good to other ppl,
just for the sake of love to your God.

Thts all,
nothing more and nothing less.

purify our heart with willingness.

Fear will put us in a cage,
makes us harder to think by ourselves
always having bad thought will darken our heart

Gosh, this world will turn in a much beautiful way if love is always the reason.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

what to do with idiotism?

why have i not posted anything for a long time...
and the last entry was just a general view.

yet, so many has occured.
so many.
the thing is,
i dont know where to start,
which one i should talk about.
sometimes, i just shut my brain,
and i end up with nothing to say.

anywho, these r the summarize of things i could think of right now;

u know how much ppl can be stupid?
a lot.
so much.
ppl r just so damn stupid.
its really hard living in a foreign country,
even more when they speak a language u're not so mastered of.
physically difference and language barrier,
to have a great social life,
is a unique challenge.
and sometimes u just want to quit,
but it's everyday.
u need to have the spirit every single day.
no chance for a day off and go back to a lovely place where u dunt have to go through all this shit.
and to make things worst,
im the only msian for the 3rd year here.


im in a new place now.
i've entered école.
its a hard place to get into actually.
from a group of eleven, only three got a place in an école.
i entered this one as the other two went to another école.
they had higher marks then i did, so they entered a harder école.
i was lucky enough to get my ass in an 'école'.
it doesnt matter high or low,
its an "école".

although ppl outside european countries r normally not aware of the french system,
it is a great opportunity for me to be here,
which makes my life story even better.
i carry my school name,
the normal daily school in a small town in penang,
manage to get his student in an engineering école.

i like to think of myself as a person with responsibility on his shoulder (which is true for everyone...),
that's how i get this body up everyday, going through all the crap of the day,
and hoping for a better one tomorrow.
i dont have a motivater next to me,
so, this kind of thoughts can blow up some wind of spirit to this feather-like body.

i stop here,
need to sleep and face tomorrow.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

im back

sometimes, when im with other people, and i feel like they're expecting my reaction,
which then makes me worry of how to please them,
i imagine my time alone, then,
i am myself again.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Philippe ARMAND

Monsieur Philippe ARMAND,
He’s a family man with two small children, a cute boy and an adorable girl.
He has their photos all over the wall in his work place.
The company he’s working in is ELECTRABEL SUEZ France;
a company responsible in supplying electrical power all over Europe.
He’s in charge of a gas turbine combined cycle that would be constructed in Fos-sur-Mer, a place near to a sea in the south of France.
A chance for me to work with Electrabel, also give me the opportunity to know this person.
He is one of those French that’s not arrogant, and see u as equal, even though u’re a foreigner and have different skin color.
He always sings in the office, it’s a way, I found most people do, to cheer the place up and mostly their feeling.
He has a lot of work, like any other engineers would, but he never neglect me as an internship student.
His fav words were 'Selamar Tinggal', 'Selamat Jalan', and 'Selamat Pagi'.
He learnt them back in the old days when he had to work in Borneo.
he explained how the townfolks always replied yes to his questions, but when he speak in their native tongue which is 'Mengerti?', they'ld reply, 'sikit2'.

There were times when the air becomes heavy, but, what I remember most about him,
Is how he tried to be a good industrial tutor, even though he actually didn’t really need to.
Sometimes, I was late, didn’t even go to the office and I gave him fictitious reasons.
How I wish I could admit that to him before our last meeting last Friday.
Strange how being somewhere, just for a little amount of time, could bring a big effect to your life.
Like when I worked as a promoter in Pacific Megamall. It was just a month, but the memory, the experience, really changed me, and I could still remember those moments till now. How big it has contributed in my life.
The same goes for my first internship.
Even though it was just 10weeks, minus the time I skipped, I have gain, so much, so much, in terms of professional career, my confidence, my capability, my view towards people, knowing my own skill and much more.
It was not just an industrial training; it was a new exploration in life.
That’s how much this internship means to me.
Thank God, for giving me the opportunity to take this route,
And M. Philippe ARMAND, who has now I see, not just as a tutor, but a friend,
A friend I respect and remember my whole life.
Michel, me(damn i look small with them on my side) and Philippe.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Action director

The effects-laden superhero actioner posed challenges for the filmmakers. "I’d never done CG (special effects) before," explains Leterrier, "but to be purely honest, the biggest challenge was realising I was the director. I was in charge.

- action director Louis Leterrier on his film Hulk

Friday, June 27, 2008

No day but Today in history. i have finished, my DUT!!!! ITS FINISHED! No more, student of IUT Aix en Provence, now, its going to be,student of école sumthing2.. which is better! lot better!! hahaha!!! Gosh.. time does fly fast. now, i already ended sumthin i started two years ago. now i have a diploma.sumthin that i can represent other than my spm. (that can be use to ask for a job) this is the next level.i have been upgraded to a diploma graduated student! how cool is that?? haha.ok, in France, u have to do a diploma first before degree. atleast thats how the path im in works. so, as of today, that one is finish, right now, the pursuit for master in 3years time begins. (thats right, no degree...) i will move out soon.but before that... summer HOLIDAY. what should i do? who would i meet? we'll see soon enough.but one thing for sure. it will be full of EXPERIENCE. which is what i search in life!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

hear this

You decide how to live your life.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Sheikh from Saudi Arabia.

i went to a meeting with a group of Muslims here.

the occasion: a Sheikh came to Aix.

So, we took the opportunity to profit from his abundance wisdom.

So much that was enlightened to me.

It was a good experience.

A phrase that hit me the most,
which unexpectedly didn't came from the Sheikh but from the house owner, was;
There are things that Philosophy cant explain,
but Literature can.

i love philosophy.
If philosophy can make tons of money, i'ld have become a full-time philosopher now.
To me, being able to think freely without limit is a great bless from God to humankind.
i dont see how there are things that Philosophy cant explain, what's more when even Literature can.
im sorry, but i just dont see the benefit of Literature in advancing human civilization unless u want to spend most of your life time describing something that can be said directly.

Little did i know,
literature, which i barely look with both of my eyes because solded in my brain board, Literature means old long poem that's just boring, and boring, and boring, is actually a good medium to share your philosophy ideas.

Without Literature, it is hard to explain and make-know to the people around you.

i guess, there's more to Literature than meets the eye.
atleast to my eye.
infact, the best way that i've used to share my thoughts,
is basically; Literature.

for example the use of a story, a history, or a way of speaking to help u describe something, so that even an infant could understand u.

like i said,
little did i know.

i believe you guys know more than i do about literature,
so this stuff must be just a breeze wind to u guys.

Monday, May 26, 2008

a Strange Phenomenon.

i dont understand this.

i have a second account in Youtube by the name cahayailmu for a particular reason.
through that profile, i uploaded a 27-second video titled "Re: sumpahan ikan pari" showing a fish that i saw in Monaco which has been accused of being cursed by some i-dont-have-a-work people, probably because it has a face that does not resemble an ordinary fish.

that video,
got viewed 13,034!

that is 10 times more than all my videos summed up in my real profile! ok maybe not 10times, i was just exaggerating, but it is way much more!

dont know how to...




how is this possible..?

i should have put that video in my real profile...

Should i just put my videos in a few seconds without even edit it?

My cool formula mug. =)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

a story

i saw a bird today,
it had three wings.

i went near to take a closer look and i said, "Dude, u have a 3rd wing".

"Oh really? thanks for telling me that, all my life, since the day i was born, i never realize that attached to my body is a 3rd wing, gosh, u have changed my life."

"Are u being sarcastic?"


"Are u having a bad day?"

"Well, you've scored another yes."

"Why, what happened?"

"Well, i met this other female bird, she was so beautiful that she resembles a beautiful piece of art created by the famous Gaudi, and most importantly... she was sitting on that branch, all alone..."

"oh, so u're a male bird."


"Sorry, im not so good in sexbirdiology-(his own made up word for the skill to determine the sex of birds. So, no need to Google it.)."

"U are one ignorant human."

"And u sound like my mom!"

"So its not her fault then.. Anyway, i flew to this beautiful bird, such beauty that reminds me of the arts by the famous Gaudi"

"You already said that..."

-ignoring the boy- "And i landed right next to her. I was being cautious not to frighten her. As she looked like she didnt mind the present of another bird on the same branch, i opened up my beak and asked her what happened that eventhough it was a beautiful day, she looked so sad..."

"i will just listen to your stories since u'll ignore me again."

-truly did ignore him- "She answered, saying, life is so complicated, that she cant decide her mind on what is right and what is wrong.

i felt intrigued, i never expected this as a response, i was waiting for the words "boyfriend - died", 'boyfriend - accident', 'boyfriend - coma' or 'boyfriend - left'.

i didnt know how to respond, all my life, i've never read a book, except for the thorn out news paper that wrapped the food i found on the street, so how can i gave an intelligent respond to that..

But she continued and said, -making a softer voice to mimic a female as if to make the boy to really feel the story-

'Life is funny, you want to be yourself, but u cant,
u dont even know how you should act, so u let other people to take over, u think about what they want, what will be good for them, that you forgot, to just live your own life.

i feel sad, to care so much about what others think,
what would please others,
that u can no longer hear your heart talking,
u got confused,
and sometimes when u thought u're listening to it,
u are actually thinking of other people.

Its sad isnt...' And she looked at me.

And i... i was trying to keep up with her words,
but as i watch her gaze, sadness overwhelmed me too,
and so u had two sad birds on a branch, from what started as a strong male bird trying to comfort his soon-to-be mate."

"Is that why u're sad then? but where is she now?"

"Boy, you shouldnt put your feet in other people's shoes too much, sometimes, u have to be in your own.
If your action doesn't include them, why you have to worry about what they think?
If its your true friends, then they will support you no matter what.
You cant please everybody, dont put too much thought in it, they wont be the ones to question u later.
You have only yourself to answer and soon to God.
Feel happy, just for the simple fact that you have followed what your heart wants."

At that time, a car passed by, stealing the boy's attention and the space where the bird stood, became just an empty space when the boy turned his head to look back at a talking-three-wings bird.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Most Viewed Title

I think we need to celebrate this, because today,

HOPELIGHT PRODUCTIONS has made a grand bounce when YOUTUBE honored it with the title #75 - Most Viewed (Today) - Directors - France.

now i know this is a specific area title,
but we have to take into account that YOUTUBE receive a lot of videos every single day,
so for something like this to happen, it is a great achievement.

So, cheers everybody!

the title has rised to,
#65 - Most Viewed (Today) - Directors - France

update again!
the title keeps changing,
but the highest we have gone to was...
#42 - Most Viewed (Today) - Directors - France!! ^_^

i feel gooooood..

1st june 2008;
i visited my Youtube profile,
and i saw this:

#36 - Most Viewed (Today) - Directors - France.

This is by far, the highest rank Hopelight Productions has ever been,

Now this is what im talking about! hehe =)

Thanks Youtube for this honour!
and all u guys out there who watch our videos.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the invisible bubble

Break the barrier between you and other people,
no matter how low u think u are compared to them.

Just no that, there are no barrier between humans.

God create us equal.

So, go ahead, live without fear but with respect.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chevrolet gets its own dancing robot car


French viewers will never get to see Chevrolet's not-so-cool parody of the Citroen C4 dancing robot, as comparative advertising is banned in France. Too bad, because taking the piss out of your competitors is all above-board in the US, and the result in this case is hilarious.

The original Citroen C4 transformer

Chevrolet's take

walking up the path.

the sky is smiling at me,
its waiting.

and i will be there,
well prepared,
as the torn and crook,
is shaping me.

through big and deepest jungle,
i will reach there.

that is,
the awaiting destiny,
the door,
that God has left for me.

The reason im here,
the path that has been laid.

Just wait for me,
as im walking up,
the path.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

a flying seed

Everybody's crazy
in their own way.

I hugged a tree today.

My mission to go to the English book café and Carrefour today accomplished. A book café is like a normal book store accept u can order drinks and hang around there, relax with their provided tea-time-place in the middle of the book shelves, do a discussion group and read all the books there is. so its better than kinokuniya accept smaller... plus it has this English surrounding.
It's the only place (as far as i know) to get books in their original version, which is english.

i bought one, entitled CELL by Stephen King. My knowledge of good authors is limited, but when i saw the name Stephen King, my guts says this book must be good, well, atleast some of his movies were.

i got out with the book in my beg, thinking i have spent my 9euros wisely,
thinking i should restart my hobby of reading, eventhough not as much as before, but its a good start.
then i remembered i already have 'the Life of Muhammad' book waiting in my books-to-read list and i havnt finished that one yet. infact, i've stopped after the first few pages. they didnt write the book in an interesthing way, is it my fault?

Well, no matter who's fault it is, the CELL book is infront of me right now, and im going to start reading it before sleep and as for the other one, someday...

oh yea,
i went jogging too.
the usual place, only different route.
i acknowledged the interesthing flowers and plants that start to grow on the side of the lane, and the wonderful forest-like beauty.

bummer that i didnt bring my camera, if not, there'll be some interesthing pictures with this post.
at one point, i saw this tree, it is one of those tree that caught my attention and i feel like i have to admire it. i know my camera is not an SLR type but i wish i had it with me to capture its unique beauty.
i went near, glance around to be sure nobody's around, and i hugged it.

on my way back, i found myself on a bridge to cross a main-road and from there i let go of a dandelion seed (a flying seed which i took while i was jogging before), and watched it as it was blown by the wind and fell slowly on the ground below.

It was a good day. U notice when wind blows the trees and the leaves start to hit each other creating a clapping-like sound, (only to certain type of trees with hard leaves) well, somehow it felt happy thinking the trees are clapping at something. Maybe at u.

pict taken during my trip to Noel Racing

Friday, May 16, 2008

China says quake toll could rise above 50,000

WENCHUAN, China (May 15, 2008): The death toll from China's massive earthquake could soar to more than 50,000, state media reported today, as rescuers struggled to help survivors and hope faded for the thousands buried under rubble.

Already some 20,000 are confirmed dead as a result of Monday (May 12)'s 7.9 magnitude quake and 25,000 remained buried in areas rescuers have struggled to reach, battling landslides, buckled roads, collapsed bridges and wet weather.

The Communist Party leadership told officials to "ensure social stability" in rescue efforts, as the quake spawned rumours of chemical spills, fears of dam bursts and scenes of collective desperation.

Rescuers in the city of Dujiangyan, in the worst-hit province of Sichuan, wrapped corpses dragged from the rubble in tarpaulins and sped them to morgues.

They were so busy that a notice outside one collapsed school asked parents to search for missing children in shifts.

About 130,000 army and paramilitary troops assisted the search and rescue effort in Sichuan, sifting through dozens of towns turned to rubble.

But three days after the quake, hopes of pulling survivors from the ruins dimmed and the waves of rescuers appear to be hampered by lack of specialised equipment.

Still, there were moments of joy and relief. "Thank you, thank you," one 22-year-old said after she was eventually pulled to safety, covering her face against the light in Dujiangyan. She had been trapped, unable to move, under the ruins of a hospital.

- The Sun

50 000 man.. and could be more! gosh, can u imagine your school, all of your buddies and teachers, everybody u know, just gone, in one single day, died! -including u! and when u think about tht, is everything worldly tht u do really matter?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

it is OURS

the future is in our hand.


this is our time.
this is where the future starts.

we shape the world of tomorrow.

remember well,

the triumph of evil,
is when good men do nothing.

if we see wrong action been taken in front of us,
and that we have the chance to change it,
then do something about it.
it is OUR responsibility,
because we are able to see its weakness or its mistake.

We have to march forward and be brave,
voice out all the misdeed and correct them,
if we want the future to be better than today.

we have to

because the future is in our hand,

thus it is our fault if things turn out bad.

i hope God give me the strength to talk them out before it is too late and i sleep with regret.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

acceptance & sacrifice.

i thought i was sacrificing.
like an investment or sumthin.

but as time pass by,
its all about accepting.

accepting your condition right now.

who u r.

what u do.

this is your life.

its not about waiting for a greater gift of benefit later in life.

its about realizing,

that this is your 'road'.

this is your,


u learn and u improve,
thats how life works,

and for me,
i've come to learn
to accept,
that this is my way of life.

its not about sacrificing anymore,
its way beyond that.

i do not expect to see a beautiful lady waiting for me when i got home,
there is a big chance,
that i will remain like this.

its funny,
just some time ago,
i wanted to go back,
so badly,
spreading my wings in my own motherland.
i guess time will tell for that.

right now,
its like u've been too long in a prison,
like in the film 'the redemption',
they said u have become 'institutionalized',
the prison becomes part of u.
at some point, its hard to leave it.

sounds crazy but its logic.
same as love,
things that are annoying,
will b the things that u'ld miss most when its gone.

this is my home,
this is my life.

i dont see the end of it.
do i feel sorry?

thats just the way it is,
and i accept it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hopelight Productions

hear ye, hear ye!

After 10months of disappearance from the world of video making, Hopelight Production is back in town, with its new motto,
"Dance as if nobody's watching you".


Hope we'll have an exciting year together!

Monday, April 28, 2008

my stage

hi, its been awhile since i wrote anything here.
im busy with playing games.
althought my laptop is not highly sophisticated minus Nvidia and Geforce, i still get to enjoy the game Fable. its an old game but very, very good. kind of like diablo but better. Diablo can be boring because its always the same thing u do when u face your enemies but with Fable, its so interesthing and u never get bored because the graphic is so cool so u can really feel that RPG effect.

other than that, i've also finished watching Scrub, from season 1 to season 7.

thats pretty much the explanation for my absentee in this blog.

also, this post was postponed due to the lateness of photos to be taken to make this post complete.

this post is about my stage, or in english, my internship.

my post about the trip to Noel Racing, well, i got it.
it took the big guy about a week to decide on my application, but by the time he said 'yes', i got another offer from another company called 'Electrobel' with the help of my has-become-friend professor.

after consulting with that professor, i decided to go for 'Electrobel' although i've never seen or have any knowledge on what the company is all about.

ok, Electrobel is a Belgium company incharge of power supply in Europe. It is a member of the SUEZ group. the company is quite interesthing because it involves in sorts of ways to produce electrical power for example nuclear reactor, wind turbine and the one im doing my study now, combined cycle, which is a combination of gas and vapor turbine.

here is the photo of the building im working in:

and here's my work place:

the beautiful scenery that will put me in a day-dreaming mode outside my window:

whats interesthing about my work place is that it is situated in a companies park. thats right, its a park with a lot of buildings to fit a variety of companies. They call it EUROPARC.

this is the map of the euro parc so u get the idea of how big it is, the red mark is my building:

i've learned something, which i've already learned some time ago,
but fell again in the same hole.

Sure, im lazy, im tired, my butt says he doesnt want to do anything and it is a problem.

Nothing is done nor accomplished.

The key is to just relax, dont think much about stuff in the future and the actions going to be taken, or which were not taken.
just empty your mind and think about the present. thats all.

anything can be done, just do it step by step, no need to rush or too much worry.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

feeling down

in life, there is up and down.

so be cool.

it's life.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Where i am.

where am i?
well, surely not in the reality world.
im in my own imagination,
where everything is perfect,
nothing to worry about,
just relax
and enjoy life in the net.
if my laptop could talk,
he would say that we have become a very good buddy,
best friends.
all about being slumber,
drifting away in this matrix,
this sea,
with breezy wind,
cozy boat,
and mind,
in a state of awake and sleep,
living and dreaming,
seeing and imagining.

im just afraid,
that i would only wake up if my head got knock with something.
and maybe,
at that time,
everything is too late.

i have 4hours before today ends.
now im going to make a best out of it.
see the glass half full ^_^

Friday, March 28, 2008

Noel Racing

My trip to Noel Racing!!!

What a pleasant journey.

it started with the wrong info from my would-be boss which then contribute to the 'wrong bus' situation, which then leads to me end up at the wrong place. And oh yea, it was raining through out the day.

equipped with a picture of the address in my camera that i took in front of my pc screen, i use the camera's 3inch LCD screen to show people the address,
which then ran out of battery when i was asking a bus driver of its where about.
this happened when i stop a bus to get the hell out of a place where i have ended by taking that wrong bus.

that gentle bus driver whom i have asked for help, gave me a free ride to the nearest but stop because his bus is not going to the place where i want to go.
by realizing how stupid i was with trusting my most precious information for that day to my camera without a back up battery, i then copied the address quickly at a lottery place(coz they have a pen ready in place for those lottery buyer) in a bar-like shop near the bus stop. Thank God my camera can be turn on for a few seconds and show the address after i let it off for a long time. u understand what i mean, you guys experience them too right? where electronic gadget, even though it runs out of battery, can still turn on for a few seconds if we leave them turned off for a long time.

long story short, i got the full address on a piece of paper,
but im nowhere near to get the idea of its where about.
by the folks town guide,
and their encouraging words that no bus go the place where im going, (so the bus driver was wrong i guess)
i walked and walked until i arrive to a bus stop (but there were no bus) and i started to ask myself, why am i here, where am i heading, what is this place.
so i just stood there, hoping for something to occur. and here's some video i decided to shoot:

u guys must think why i didnt do a hitchhike.
in the end i did,
but, the reason i took a long time to do that,
and to just walk and hope for a miracle to happen,
is that i have never done it,
and to raise ur hand, asking a stranger to stop,
and to give u a free ride,
well, its not that easy as u think...
At least i get to enjoy the scenery though.

so yeah, i got there,
it was good,
now i just hope to get to do my internship over there.
the boss wont tell me whether i got it or not...
so, i'll write here again later to say the result.

here's some photos i took:

photo album

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Je te promets

t'aimerai que je te dise, que je t'aimerai toute ma vie
t'aimerai que je te promets, toute mes nuits jusqu'à l'infinie
t'aimerai que je te suive, a jamais sans faire de bruit
et que je comprenne tous ceux si sans que tu le dise.

et je ne pourrai te dire, ce que je ne sais pas
et je ne pourrai te donner, ce que je n'ai pas
et je ne pourrai te fuir, même si tu nous sépare
tous ce que je te promets c'est un nouveau départ.

j'aimerai que le temps s'arrête lorsqu'on se parle
et qu'apparaisse en plein jour dans le ciel, un milliard d'étoile
pour que je fasse un Vœu, sans que mon soleil se voile
et qu'on puisse être a nouveau, deux sans se faire ce mal

et j'aimerai me cacher, sous tes paupières
pour que tu puisse me voir, quand tu fait tes prières
et j'aimerai les casser toute ces lumières
celles qui t'empêches de voir, un peu plus clair

mais je ne pourrai te dire, ce que je ne sais pas
et je ne pourrai te donner, ce que je n'ai pas
et je ne pourrai te fuir, même si tu nous sépare
tous ce que je te promets c'est un nouveau départ.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Accept, never say no.

Kalaw orang nak memberi atau pelawa,
terima sajalah.

Nabi juga bersabda, janganlah kita menolak pelawaan org
ambillah walau sedikit untuk
tidak mengguris hatinya.

If someone wants to give something or invites you,
just accept it.

Grab the opportunity without a care
what others might think.

Carnaval de Nice

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Jangan harapkn ia menjadi senang, tapi lihatnya sbg sesuatu yg senang.

Dont hope that it'll be easy to your eyes but look at it as an easy thing.

taken during my trip to Switzerland

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How Much?

What is your price?

lets go to a market,
put you on a scale,
and see how much you cost.

lets just see,
how much,
is your price,
on the world market.

and then we'll know
if you're worthy
to talk
or even to ask for sympathy,
or even to complain.

photo taken during a train trip in Switzerland

Monday, March 10, 2008


Blog is something interesthing,
because u can do whatever with it.


it can b your diary, your own webpage (like to publicize urself...), a place to criticize about something and wanna make sure somebody out there can read it, your place of wisdom such as to motivate yourself (pretty much what this blog is about), or even your own personal library and research.

what i want to talk about in this post is the last part; your own personal library and research.
in the net, u can gather a lot of information, and various too..
articles, pictures and videos.
if you want to study a certain field,
u need to find a method to gather informations you have found on the net that relate to your studies,
the old way which is through a notebook is limited coz only info that can be put in a book is doable, takes a lot of time, and the way u organize your info is literary limited.

other method is u save all the pages that interest you and put them all in a folder.
of course in the end, you'll end up with a folder full of click-able documents and it will all look too boring and too tiring to search for something.

i know there are other methods,
but i found that blog is a really good method for this.

things that i have read and found,
sometimes i forgot them, and when i want to do a recall,
i can just say a few words about it and had wish that i had saved them.

through blog, u can save the info any way you want,
take any part of an article thats important, put in the link with it,
make it as much easy to read or memorize, use it to your own convenience.
It is so practical.

i wish i can do this for the subjects in the class,
but i didnt get my info through the net..

still, like my old "dream theory" blog which is my own little research,
i can also use it as my own personal library i.e keeping all the infos that i have found on areas that matters so that i can see it again.

as i wrote this post,
i have infact created another blog, some weeks ago,
which was contributed to this purpose.

it is only now i will link it together with this one, becoming one big happy family... hey, this is my personal blog, i can do what ever i want with it. (this is trully my place... kind of like a personal room in the net for me)

the end.

taken from internet

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No Day But Today

There Is No Future
There Is No Past
I Live This Moment
As My Last

There's Only Us
There's Only This
Forget Regret
Or Life Is Yours To Miss
No Other Road
No Other Way
No Day But Today

-saw on Chris page (RENT- Another Day)
-photo taken during a jog at the back of my resident hostel

Saturday, March 1, 2008

the theory of the 5ringgit

why am i for the opposition?

we give A 5ringgit, expecting to get the same total back but receive only 3ringgit.

what A is showing is that 3ringgit.
A is telling us that he gave us 3ringgit, so we should be thankful enough,
when the other 2ringgit was used in the bad way,
and thats what im against of.

i say we should get the 5ringgit,
and stop wasting money in the wrong direction.
remember that all the goodness that we see, comes from that 3ringgit instead of 5.

thats why i am for the opposition.
i oppose such bullshit system.

shame on you

Jangan malukan atau jatuhkan maruah sesiapa di khalayak ramai melainkan dia yang mula dulu.

Don’t humiliate other people in public, unless of course he/she started it first.

Mereka yg tutup kemaluan org lain, Allah akan tutup kemaluannya di akhirat kelak.

For those who cover the shame of others, Allah will cover his on the Day of Judgment.

i think i have to remind here that this is for common daily guidance,
but, we can, of course spread truth if the intention is for good reasons such as for the improvement of the community or increase public awareness. (like we see most in the politics agenda)

Monday, February 18, 2008

enjoy life

i went snowboarding last Sunday at Valberg, about 50km to the north of Nice.

i had a great time, first time built a snow man and my snowboarding skill has improved,
can’t wait for the 3rd time. ^_^

there were 9 of us in total; 4 from Aix, the other 5 Nice,
but there were only 4 to build the snow man because we took different root in smaller groups and the idea of the snowman came when we wanted to take a rest while surfing down.

Oh yea, i forgot to mention that i went to Festival de Nice which was also a great moment.
Met again people wearing ‘angel-like’ costumes (my fav), got the chance to witness a lot of creativity works, having so much fun and also first time enjoy spraying people’s face with silly string. -hey, everybody’s doing it.

this trip to Nice, is a load of fun,
and has also opened my eyes to a few things (other than snowboarding tips...)

when i went up on one of the mountains,
the view,
it was so magnificent.
i took a video of it because a photo can’t take the whole view,
And I want to catch that moment.

God has created this planet beautifully,
always I forgot that once I stucked too long in front of my pc reading about the world we’re living in.

I should remember those things, those moments that I have witnessed myself thanks to the privilege of living in a European country, especially France which permits me to travel and experience different places in other countries easier.

I made out my mind that,

These are the things worth living for.

Seeing beauty, makes one forget of how many holes created by the mice in the wall,
and give one hope,
that life is something which is wonderful,
as God has created those snowy mountains, given it beautiful scenery and fresh air, the greatness of God’s creations were unfolded in front of u,
telling u how much beauty he has blessed this Earth with!

So be happy,

And just enjoy life,

No matter how many holes there is because of those condemn mice,

Life is to be seen beautifully.

Photo Album:
Carnaval de Nice