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Friday, March 28, 2008

Noel Racing

My trip to Noel Racing!!!

What a pleasant journey.

it started with the wrong info from my would-be boss which then contribute to the 'wrong bus' situation, which then leads to me end up at the wrong place. And oh yea, it was raining through out the day.

equipped with a picture of the address in my camera that i took in front of my pc screen, i use the camera's 3inch LCD screen to show people the address,
which then ran out of battery when i was asking a bus driver of its where about.
this happened when i stop a bus to get the hell out of a place where i have ended by taking that wrong bus.

that gentle bus driver whom i have asked for help, gave me a free ride to the nearest but stop because his bus is not going to the place where i want to go.
by realizing how stupid i was with trusting my most precious information for that day to my camera without a back up battery, i then copied the address quickly at a lottery place(coz they have a pen ready in place for those lottery buyer) in a bar-like shop near the bus stop. Thank God my camera can be turn on for a few seconds and show the address after i let it off for a long time. u understand what i mean, you guys experience them too right? where electronic gadget, even though it runs out of battery, can still turn on for a few seconds if we leave them turned off for a long time.

long story short, i got the full address on a piece of paper,
but im nowhere near to get the idea of its where about.
by the folks town guide,
and their encouraging words that no bus go the place where im going, (so the bus driver was wrong i guess)
i walked and walked until i arrive to a bus stop (but there were no bus) and i started to ask myself, why am i here, where am i heading, what is this place.
so i just stood there, hoping for something to occur. and here's some video i decided to shoot:

u guys must think why i didnt do a hitchhike.
in the end i did,
but, the reason i took a long time to do that,
and to just walk and hope for a miracle to happen,
is that i have never done it,
and to raise ur hand, asking a stranger to stop,
and to give u a free ride,
well, its not that easy as u think...
At least i get to enjoy the scenery though.

so yeah, i got there,
it was good,
now i just hope to get to do my internship over there.
the boss wont tell me whether i got it or not...
so, i'll write here again later to say the result.

here's some photos i took:

photo album

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Je te promets

t'aimerai que je te dise, que je t'aimerai toute ma vie
t'aimerai que je te promets, toute mes nuits jusqu'à l'infinie
t'aimerai que je te suive, a jamais sans faire de bruit
et que je comprenne tous ceux si sans que tu le dise.

et je ne pourrai te dire, ce que je ne sais pas
et je ne pourrai te donner, ce que je n'ai pas
et je ne pourrai te fuir, même si tu nous sépare
tous ce que je te promets c'est un nouveau départ.

j'aimerai que le temps s'arrête lorsqu'on se parle
et qu'apparaisse en plein jour dans le ciel, un milliard d'étoile
pour que je fasse un Vœu, sans que mon soleil se voile
et qu'on puisse être a nouveau, deux sans se faire ce mal

et j'aimerai me cacher, sous tes paupières
pour que tu puisse me voir, quand tu fait tes prières
et j'aimerai les casser toute ces lumières
celles qui t'empêches de voir, un peu plus clair

mais je ne pourrai te dire, ce que je ne sais pas
et je ne pourrai te donner, ce que je n'ai pas
et je ne pourrai te fuir, même si tu nous sépare
tous ce que je te promets c'est un nouveau départ.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Accept, never say no.

Kalaw orang nak memberi atau pelawa,
terima sajalah.

Nabi juga bersabda, janganlah kita menolak pelawaan org
ambillah walau sedikit untuk
tidak mengguris hatinya.

If someone wants to give something or invites you,
just accept it.

Grab the opportunity without a care
what others might think.

Carnaval de Nice

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Jangan harapkn ia menjadi senang, tapi lihatnya sbg sesuatu yg senang.

Dont hope that it'll be easy to your eyes but look at it as an easy thing.

taken during my trip to Switzerland

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How Much?

What is your price?

lets go to a market,
put you on a scale,
and see how much you cost.

lets just see,
how much,
is your price,
on the world market.

and then we'll know
if you're worthy
to talk
or even to ask for sympathy,
or even to complain.

photo taken during a train trip in Switzerland

Monday, March 10, 2008


Blog is something interesthing,
because u can do whatever with it.


it can b your diary, your own webpage (like to publicize urself...), a place to criticize about something and wanna make sure somebody out there can read it, your place of wisdom such as to motivate yourself (pretty much what this blog is about), or even your own personal library and research.

what i want to talk about in this post is the last part; your own personal library and research.
in the net, u can gather a lot of information, and various too..
articles, pictures and videos.
if you want to study a certain field,
u need to find a method to gather informations you have found on the net that relate to your studies,
the old way which is through a notebook is limited coz only info that can be put in a book is doable, takes a lot of time, and the way u organize your info is literary limited.

other method is u save all the pages that interest you and put them all in a folder.
of course in the end, you'll end up with a folder full of click-able documents and it will all look too boring and too tiring to search for something.

i know there are other methods,
but i found that blog is a really good method for this.

things that i have read and found,
sometimes i forgot them, and when i want to do a recall,
i can just say a few words about it and had wish that i had saved them.

through blog, u can save the info any way you want,
take any part of an article thats important, put in the link with it,
make it as much easy to read or memorize, use it to your own convenience.
It is so practical.

i wish i can do this for the subjects in the class,
but i didnt get my info through the net..

still, like my old "dream theory" blog which is my own little research,
i can also use it as my own personal library i.e keeping all the infos that i have found on areas that matters so that i can see it again.

as i wrote this post,
i have infact created another blog, some weeks ago,
which was contributed to this purpose.

it is only now i will link it together with this one, becoming one big happy family... hey, this is my personal blog, i can do what ever i want with it. (this is trully my place... kind of like a personal room in the net for me)

the end.

taken from internet

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No Day But Today

There Is No Future
There Is No Past
I Live This Moment
As My Last

There's Only Us
There's Only This
Forget Regret
Or Life Is Yours To Miss
No Other Road
No Other Way
No Day But Today

-saw on Chris page (RENT- Another Day)
-photo taken during a jog at the back of my resident hostel

Saturday, March 1, 2008

the theory of the 5ringgit

why am i for the opposition?

we give A 5ringgit, expecting to get the same total back but receive only 3ringgit.

what A is showing is that 3ringgit.
A is telling us that he gave us 3ringgit, so we should be thankful enough,
when the other 2ringgit was used in the bad way,
and thats what im against of.

i say we should get the 5ringgit,
and stop wasting money in the wrong direction.
remember that all the goodness that we see, comes from that 3ringgit instead of 5.

thats why i am for the opposition.
i oppose such bullshit system.

shame on you

Jangan malukan atau jatuhkan maruah sesiapa di khalayak ramai melainkan dia yang mula dulu.

Don’t humiliate other people in public, unless of course he/she started it first.

Mereka yg tutup kemaluan org lain, Allah akan tutup kemaluannya di akhirat kelak.

For those who cover the shame of others, Allah will cover his on the Day of Judgment.

i think i have to remind here that this is for common daily guidance,
but, we can, of course spread truth if the intention is for good reasons such as for the improvement of the community or increase public awareness. (like we see most in the politics agenda)