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Friday, March 28, 2008

Noel Racing

My trip to Noel Racing!!!

What a pleasant journey.

it started with the wrong info from my would-be boss which then contribute to the 'wrong bus' situation, which then leads to me end up at the wrong place. And oh yea, it was raining through out the day.

equipped with a picture of the address in my camera that i took in front of my pc screen, i use the camera's 3inch LCD screen to show people the address,
which then ran out of battery when i was asking a bus driver of its where about.
this happened when i stop a bus to get the hell out of a place where i have ended by taking that wrong bus.

that gentle bus driver whom i have asked for help, gave me a free ride to the nearest but stop because his bus is not going to the place where i want to go.
by realizing how stupid i was with trusting my most precious information for that day to my camera without a back up battery, i then copied the address quickly at a lottery place(coz they have a pen ready in place for those lottery buyer) in a bar-like shop near the bus stop. Thank God my camera can be turn on for a few seconds and show the address after i let it off for a long time. u understand what i mean, you guys experience them too right? where electronic gadget, even though it runs out of battery, can still turn on for a few seconds if we leave them turned off for a long time.

long story short, i got the full address on a piece of paper,
but im nowhere near to get the idea of its where about.
by the folks town guide,
and their encouraging words that no bus go the place where im going, (so the bus driver was wrong i guess)
i walked and walked until i arrive to a bus stop (but there were no bus) and i started to ask myself, why am i here, where am i heading, what is this place.
so i just stood there, hoping for something to occur. and here's some video i decided to shoot:

u guys must think why i didnt do a hitchhike.
in the end i did,
but, the reason i took a long time to do that,
and to just walk and hope for a miracle to happen,
is that i have never done it,
and to raise ur hand, asking a stranger to stop,
and to give u a free ride,
well, its not that easy as u think...
At least i get to enjoy the scenery though.

so yeah, i got there,
it was good,
now i just hope to get to do my internship over there.
the boss wont tell me whether i got it or not...
so, i'll write here again later to say the result.

here's some photos i took:

photo album

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ciannye kat u...