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Monday, April 28, 2008

my stage

hi, its been awhile since i wrote anything here.
im busy with playing games.
althought my laptop is not highly sophisticated minus Nvidia and Geforce, i still get to enjoy the game Fable. its an old game but very, very good. kind of like diablo but better. Diablo can be boring because its always the same thing u do when u face your enemies but with Fable, its so interesthing and u never get bored because the graphic is so cool so u can really feel that RPG effect.

other than that, i've also finished watching Scrub, from season 1 to season 7.

thats pretty much the explanation for my absentee in this blog.

also, this post was postponed due to the lateness of photos to be taken to make this post complete.

this post is about my stage, or in english, my internship.

my post about the trip to Noel Racing, well, i got it.
it took the big guy about a week to decide on my application, but by the time he said 'yes', i got another offer from another company called 'Electrobel' with the help of my has-become-friend professor.

after consulting with that professor, i decided to go for 'Electrobel' although i've never seen or have any knowledge on what the company is all about.

ok, Electrobel is a Belgium company incharge of power supply in Europe. It is a member of the SUEZ group. the company is quite interesthing because it involves in sorts of ways to produce electrical power for example nuclear reactor, wind turbine and the one im doing my study now, combined cycle, which is a combination of gas and vapor turbine.

here is the photo of the building im working in:

and here's my work place:

the beautiful scenery that will put me in a day-dreaming mode outside my window:

whats interesthing about my work place is that it is situated in a companies park. thats right, its a park with a lot of buildings to fit a variety of companies. They call it EUROPARC.

this is the map of the euro parc so u get the idea of how big it is, the red mark is my building:

i've learned something, which i've already learned some time ago,
but fell again in the same hole.

Sure, im lazy, im tired, my butt says he doesnt want to do anything and it is a problem.

Nothing is done nor accomplished.

The key is to just relax, dont think much about stuff in the future and the actions going to be taken, or which were not taken.
just empty your mind and think about the present. thats all.

anything can be done, just do it step by step, no need to rush or too much worry.


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, Adely.

Guess what, i'm going back to Malaysia in May 11th/13th ! :D Cemburu tak?

See, is easier to just stay in the present.. but,.. hm... you know, bila i return nanti, whatever that happened in Iowa will be like a dream... sounds sad, but true.. it's like entering a whole new world again.

Adely said...

hi Aimi! its good to hear some news from u.

maybe u'll not entering a whole new world, but the old world u left when u set foot in Iowa.

how long r u going to be there?

Mocha said...

How long am i going to be in Malaysia?

Untill i dapat buat i-to-i TEFL (, teach kat oversea.. lepas tu balik ke malaysia and get a teaching diploma.. jadi high school teacher in Malaysia.

How about you?

Adely said...

in other word, this could b a journey for good.

well, how long normally is the TEFL?

u gonna miss Iowa arent u..
i feel u girl.

keep in touch k.

im still at a junction where i havnt decided yet which route to take.
a year here or 3more years here..

i'll tell u when i get my 'wisdom'. ^_^

nice to c u here...