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Saturday, May 10, 2008

acceptance & sacrifice.

i thought i was sacrificing.
like an investment or sumthin.

but as time pass by,
its all about accepting.

accepting your condition right now.

who u r.

what u do.

this is your life.

its not about waiting for a greater gift of benefit later in life.

its about realizing,

that this is your 'road'.

this is your,


u learn and u improve,
thats how life works,

and for me,
i've come to learn
to accept,
that this is my way of life.

its not about sacrificing anymore,
its way beyond that.

i do not expect to see a beautiful lady waiting for me when i got home,
there is a big chance,
that i will remain like this.

its funny,
just some time ago,
i wanted to go back,
so badly,
spreading my wings in my own motherland.
i guess time will tell for that.

right now,
its like u've been too long in a prison,
like in the film 'the redemption',
they said u have become 'institutionalized',
the prison becomes part of u.
at some point, its hard to leave it.

sounds crazy but its logic.
same as love,
things that are annoying,
will b the things that u'ld miss most when its gone.

this is my home,
this is my life.

i dont see the end of it.
do i feel sorry?

thats just the way it is,
and i accept it.

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