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Sunday, February 10, 2008

To understand

i see that everything teaches us on how life works.

i see that we can change our perception just like
changing the lens of a camera.

i see how we can build an organization base on how
human body works.

i see that critical mind is the mother of many
evolutions base on growing trees.

i see the hierarchy of human society base on the
shape of mountains.

i see the difference of people in different ranks
by the exact feeling we have on different altitude.

i see how everything tends to be equivalent, natural,
such as the electrons which is negative, move to a
place with less negative, higher intensity will flow to
the lower. Nature tends to make things equivalent,
with this, nothing is truly lost nor newly created, it is
true in every situation.(except for quantum mechanics)
human, who has understand this Nature's attitude,
use it and make great inventions.
Infact, i see that only human works against this
nature's flow.

i see that if one understands nature and apply it in
life, than one can perfect.

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