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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

it is OURS

the future is in our hand.


this is our time.
this is where the future starts.

we shape the world of tomorrow.

remember well,

the triumph of evil,
is when good men do nothing.

if we see wrong action been taken in front of us,
and that we have the chance to change it,
then do something about it.
it is OUR responsibility,
because we are able to see its weakness or its mistake.

We have to march forward and be brave,
voice out all the misdeed and correct them,
if we want the future to be better than today.

we have to

because the future is in our hand,

thus it is our fault if things turn out bad.

i hope God give me the strength to talk them out before it is too late and i sleep with regret.


Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom my friend...

Anonymous said...

pelik kan, bila write it on paper, senang, tapi when kena cakap in person, susah...

Anonymous said...

susah lagi para rasul bila diorang kena you know..

Adely said...

thanx Mathieu, miss going out with u...

bila nk buat bnd betul, mmg sllunya susah... tapi bila dh buat, akan rasa lega dn dpt tidur dgn aman...

sy baca buku 'lord of light', mmg kisah Para Rasul mngharukn.

Anonymous said...

Bila buat kerja salah, senang.. tapi bila dah buat, tak leh tidur lena...terbalik pula.

Anonymous said...

awak dah buat apa yang awak patut lakukan tu?

Adely said...

yeah, sy dh lepaskn. skrg lantak kat diorng la nk buat apa pun.