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Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Sheikh from Saudi Arabia.

i went to a meeting with a group of Muslims here.

the occasion: a Sheikh came to Aix.

So, we took the opportunity to profit from his abundance wisdom.

So much that was enlightened to me.

It was a good experience.

A phrase that hit me the most,
which unexpectedly didn't came from the Sheikh but from the house owner, was;
There are things that Philosophy cant explain,
but Literature can.

i love philosophy.
If philosophy can make tons of money, i'ld have become a full-time philosopher now.
To me, being able to think freely without limit is a great bless from God to humankind.
i dont see how there are things that Philosophy cant explain, what's more when even Literature can.
im sorry, but i just dont see the benefit of Literature in advancing human civilization unless u want to spend most of your life time describing something that can be said directly.

Little did i know,
literature, which i barely look with both of my eyes because solded in my brain board, Literature means old long poem that's just boring, and boring, and boring, is actually a good medium to share your philosophy ideas.

Without Literature, it is hard to explain and make-know to the people around you.

i guess, there's more to Literature than meets the eye.
atleast to my eye.
infact, the best way that i've used to share my thoughts,
is basically; Literature.

for example the use of a story, a history, or a way of speaking to help u describe something, so that even an infant could understand u.

like i said,
little did i know.

i believe you guys know more than i do about literature,
so this stuff must be just a breeze wind to u guys.


Mocha said...

In my opinion,

"Literature" is the Quran and
"philosphy" is the reader.

The mind needs light to walk on thoughts. Without light, the mind wanders membabi buta.

Adely said...

the light symbolize what here?

so, in ur opinion, philosophers read from literature?

is that what u want 2 say?

Mocha said...

1) Life is complicated. So, what does a thinker needs to consider before making a reasonable conclusion?

2) Why did God sent down the Quran?

3) Is a philospher a thinker?


Adely said...

but a true thinker wont bind himself to the gospels or Quran.

infact, a thinker can also be the person who finds a reason ex. a scientific reason behind God's biding.

Quran is to guide ppl about the correct way of life. kind of like a manual book to a tv.

of course a philosopher is a thinker. how can he philosophe something without thinking?


Adely said...

u see Aimi,
a thinker would not accept anything, even the normal nature's law that people just accept as it is in their daily life or even the writings in the gospels,

without thinking as to why they work or to be told like that.

now, i believe i have answered ur questions. i hope u'ld put urself to the same level.

Mocha said...

Sorry la if the questions given insulted you... Didn't mean to do that. I thought it's better to bagi soalan than to lecture...

I agree with you, Adely, that a person can find truth by only thinking, without believing in a literature. But What philosophers can achieve is limited.

And true juga, a philosopher won't bind himself to a gospel-- if there's NO good reason to do so.

What i wanted to share with you is that, philosophers can reach meaningful(and sometimes hidden, & more so organized) thoughts/conclusions when their way of thinking is guided by the Creator.

The quran contains all that we can know: (16:89) facts, limitations, possibilities, explanations, etc -- Adely, all these a thinker needs to consider before making a meaningful conclusion. Kalau tak, a philosopher faces a whole bunch of unlimited possibilities...mana cukup masa nak process semua.

Also, to what degree can we trust our own logic? The disbelievers' deeds are made cantik kepada pandangan mata diorang. God guides and make astray who ever He wills.(2:212 , 35:08)
How can we be sure our perspectives/statements are sempurna kalau bukan berdasarkan kriteria ciptaan Tuhan?

Peace. :)

Adely said...

"I agree with you, Adely, that a person can find truth by only thinking, without believing in a literature. But What philosophers can achieve is limited."

-now that shows u dont understand my post nor what i have said in the comments.

come to think of it, my words can b a bit pusing2 which can than brings pening kepala to understand.

my fault.

plus, not just philosopher, human of all type 's ability is limited.
unless u look at it different way.
like my way..

how can their way of thinking is guided by God?
u have God infront pulling u with a rope?

what u want to say is, a philosopher is better if its from a religious person. a person who bind himself to the way of Islam. So that his point of view, wont run from the point of view of most muslims.

i remembered a khalifah was sentence to death just because he said Quran is a makhluk Allah.
now, was it him or the ppl who punished him that was quided by Allah?

i agree that philosophers can reach great thoughts when they are guided by the Creator.

that is ofcourse Hidayah, and Hidayah is a gift to any beings that He wants.

we muslims can just pray to have such a thing.
but Aimi, that is well known...

hidayah can also be given to the non-muslims.

the theory of big bang was founded by Stephen Hawking and he never even read Quran (as far as i know),
when the muslims who have this already stated in the holy book, failed to find a scientific and logical proof.

this is just one example when there r lots more i could give.

ofcourse there r bad theory like theory of revolution to deny the existance of God.

this is just a proof how Hidayah works and only He decides to who he wants to give.

i dont want to talk about Hidayah,
because it is very basic in having found a great understanding,
there's a way of saying it: God has open his/her eyes.
which is true and well-known.
So, why do we need to talk about it?

Quran does not contain everythin that we can know.
can u find a receipt to cook a chicken?

If Quran is to explain everything, than we dont need any research watsoever.

u r wrong Aimi.

thinker comes from everywhere around the world, weather they have read Quran or not.
mind u, even those who have read turn out bad.
like Rashad Khalifa who then thought that he was a new messenger.

this all brings back to the Hidayah thing and to whom God choose to open his/her heart.

unlimited possibilities is the aim.
research for centuries, from descendants, that is human capacity as we have seen till today.
einstein theory can only be proven now, when he is all down in the ground.

"God guides and make astray who ever He wills.(2:212 , 35:08)"

there, even u put it here, but then u say "The disbelievers' deeds are made cantik kepada pandangan mata diorang."

should i repeat, "who ever He wills"?

do not put us above other ppl from diff. religions as that will corrupt us from within.

which is what happening now in the world...

i'ld like to tell u a story.
i met a professeur from London.
his work, is to think about the universe. cool job... even he agrees to that.

at that time. a guy, standing next to him, says that,
to be a true scientist, to make a real research, u have to free yourself from religious thought.
and the professeur agreed with him and smile.
of course, at that time i totally disagree and started a debate.
i soon found that the guy was actually a muslim.
i could not understand how they didnt agree with me although i think i have given a good argument, and i have already labeled that guy as a bad muslim although i could see him during Friday prayers.
Mind u, right here, skipping Friday is nothing. not like in Msia..
but recently, Aimi,
i could say that,
i agree with them.
when u found a conclusion,
even if it agrees as to what is said in the holy book, we should not stop the research.
we should not limit ourselves.

our ability to think all of God's creation except for God himself which that we can find in the Quran.
that is logic because how can something imperfect(human), be able to think of something perfect(God).
it is illogical.
so Aimi, that's why i said, our ability to think is limitless,
just like the number of God's creation, which is uncountable.

we can only pray to be in His blessed path.

"How can we be sure our perspectives/statements are sempurna kalau bukan berdasarkan kriteria ciptaan Tuhan? "

i dont quite understand what u r saying here..

but i think u want to say that how can our statements be sempurna kalau tidak berlandaskn syariat Islam.
bcoz we always think of things infront of us and things infront of us happen in the criteria tht God wants it to be.

i never see anything from human as sempurna.
human themselves is 'imperfect'.
thats why we need discussion,
endless research and nothing is permanent.
it continues and debatable till,
well, the end of time maybe.

that is the implication as to why God creates human in billions, not a few and the human civilization continues for centuries not just for a couple of years. that is one logical explanation. dont u think so..?

sometimes we can use logic to explain something,
just pray tht our logicalness doesnt astray us and be open to other ppl's thoughts.

Human, not just in a logical sense, need others in their life.
God meant it to be that way.