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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

keeping my record

i bought a new hp last Saturday.
its LG KC910 or Renoir.

its my first touch screen hp, thanks to sony ericsson for selling their latest phone at a very unreasonable price. for me...
also, i can keep my 'record' for using variable phone manufacturer.
the record goes as follow:
Siemens - Nokia - Samsung - Sony Ericsson - Lg (latest)

Great proof how open-minded i can be! -juz kiddin...

im so happy with this handphone, eventhough i cant use it yet for calling as i have to wait till this 26th before my operateur change and i can use the new simcard that goes with this handphone, i always spend my time admiring and using its other awesome fonction.

let me tell you about this new, interactive, cool-looking gadget.
the touchscreen fonct is OKAY. maybe iphone is better, i dont know since i have never use iphone for a long range of time, but im getting used with this one and it's comfortable.

secondly, it has 8MP camera!!
i need to change my operateur fast, and there are only two 8mp hp available at the store, sony ericsson, or lg. i have waited long enough and i was not looking forward to the samsungs.. ( i did my research ofcourse..)
Since SE, again with their totally unreasonable price, this one get to be in my pocket.

other than the size of the photos, it also has other cool fonction like face detection, art photo and making your face looks prettier.. Soon i will post in photos of Metz taken with it.

3rd, it can take video up to 640x480!!
now, who's hp can do tht!
my God this camera is awesome.
it also has a slowvideo fonction which makes that 'moment' becomes slower and u can see every bit of the movement. great huh...

did i mention bout its DivX video play capability?
well it has that, and the videos look marvellous.
now i know what to do in a long-trip bus.

i have never been happier with a phone that i bought before this one.

it has wifi, motion-game, bluetooth, widgets that u can put on ur front screen to serve your need, etc.2.

now, im figuring out how to download a new theme as it only come with black or white theme.
i notice how this part is so easy with sony.
maybe i have to wait bit as it's still new..

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